As a leading construction company for exclusive high-rise buildings in South Korea, ACRO launched a flexible brand identity that underlines the concept of contemporary minimalism. The solid black brand logo was made even bolder to represent the brand’s high-end nature, while its symbolism was strengthened by resetting the proportions. The straightforward colour palette uses a deep black to express the essential aspects of the brand and leaves a lot of white space when shaping customer experiences. The monogram underlines the brand’s prestigious aspirations and showcases appealingly stylish lines.
DAELIM Industrial Co., Ltd., Seoul, South Korea
DAELIM Industrial Co., Ltd., Seoul, South Korea
Project Team:
Victoria Kim (Creative Direction)
Contents Planning Team (Brand Experience Strategy)
Hyemi Moon (Brand Experience Design)
Jungeol Bae (Brand Experience Design)
Yongha Jeong (Brand Experience Design)